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Pubg Mobile

Pubg Mobile

Pubg mobile is a battle royale game which is available for both iOS and Android.it is played worldwide and it is famous due to its beautiful graphics and user support.It is devolped by lightspeed and quantum studios a division of tencent games. 

The initial release date of pubg was February 9,2018.it is published byKrafton,Tencent Games,VNG game publishing,Level infinite and more.
The pubg Mobile doesn't have its official program for pc or mac os but people play pubg on pc using emulators.Popular emulator is  bluestack. 

People are using this game for fun.But some intelligent people make the game their carrier.They record the game screen while playing and uploaded on different social media platforms to earn money.
Some social media platforms where pubg videos can be uploaded or streamed.










Role of Pakistani people in gaming industry 

Pakistani people are also coming in gaming field and some people in Pakistan using pubg to start their career in gaming.Some of them are Star Anonymous,Khalifa46 etc.They both have youtube channels and tiktok accounts.You can view their social accounts by searching on YouTube or tiktok with their usernames.

Indians role in gaming industry

Indians are most advanced in gaming industry.There are two cause of their success in this field.first is they have more population then Pakistan.Second is people of India play games more then pakistani people. In india freefire game is more popular then pubg but pubg is still played in india and they have their separate server of pubg which is bgmi(Battle ground mobile India).

Freefire is played most in india.Total gaming youtube channel has more then 30million subscribers on YouTube channel.Total gaming Channel is about freefire videos.The host of Total gaming is ajjubhai.He uploaded freefire videos on YouTube regularly and he is earning more then 50k$ from its YouTube channel. 

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