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Pubg - How to get glacier M416 gun in pubg


Pubg is a multi-player online battle royale game.Pubg stands for (Player unknown battle ground).Pubg is available for both iOS and Android but still pubg is not available for pc and Mac os.But People playing pubg on pc by using the emulators.Pubg comes with 4 version Pubg kr, Pubg mobile, Pubg lite and BGMI(Battle ground mobile India).These all versions are available on both Google play and Apple store.But now pubg launches a new version which is called pubg new State.Pubg new State is devolped by inspiring the future predictions.Pubg new State consist of the guns that are not available in real world.

The 5 versions of pubg is devolped for different regions and for different purposes.Pubg lite is devolped because some mobiles can't able to play pubg Mobile because of low end so they can able to play pubg lite on low end mobiles.Pubg mobile is devolped for high graphics and ram mobiles Where pubg Korea is devolped for Korea country people.The bgmi (battle ground mobile India) is devolped for Indian people because the gov of India recently banned the pubg Mobile.

How to get glacier M416 gun in pubg

People all around the world have fond to play the pubg with glacier guns because the glacier gun has a unique effect during Killing and it shows a glacier effect as special kill.Also the damage can increase by the glacier guns.But the glacier guns can get only that people who have a good luck.Glacier gun commonly comes with airdrop.Glacier gun does not comes with events and these guns are also not available in the royale pass.The glacier gun can be get by spinning the spiner with UCs(cash used in pubg).The best trick is to get glacier gun for free is to use earn UCs by watching ads and then you can spinner the spin by using the earned UCs.

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