How to avoid your mobile from snatching
Mobile snatching
Mobile snatching is going to be a common thing because the criminals are increasing and they snatching the mobiles of people daily but the snatchers are smart. They snatch your mobile and then get out your Sim card from your mobile to avoid from police tracing or any thing else.
The mobile snatchers are all over the world except in America and China.The mobile snatching cases also increasing in Pakistan.The innocent people don't know what to do with them police can't be able to trace the mobile phone because the mobile is off or the sim is not under the mobile.How to avoid from snatchers
When you see the snatcher in any where or when you see the snatcher is snatching anything from any other person Then you can do the following steps.
1)You can record the snatcher video
2)you can note the snatcher vehicle number
3)You can call the police on the spot
4)you can call the crowd for protecting the people who was snatched
5)you can try to watch their faces
6)if you are able to see their faces then you need to take their photos silently
However there is no any other way to trace the snatcher's but in the modern world the mobile apps are coming which will tell you all about your mobile phone. If someone try to touch your phone it will take his pictures and send you on your Gmail.
How to trace snatchers using Google find my device app?
Google find my device is the best app or facility for common people who was very sad about snatchers.Now the snatchers can't do anything with your mobile because you will have all your mobile control after your mobile snatching.Google find my device is the most popular app for tracing the mobile as it is the best has many feature which cannot be find or get in any other mobile tracing app.
You need to go playstore and type Google find my device the app will appear and you need to install it.As you install open it,it will ask you to login with Gmail.Login with your trusted Gmail who's you have full access.Now on the all options like play sound, secure device etc.Now the app will works only when you shall don't have your mobile. If someone snatch your mobile then you just need to take your friends mobile and install the same app Google find my device in his mobile. Then enter your email which you was enter before in your mobile. It will give you all access about your mobile.Now you will be able to see the live location of your mobile more over you will be able to play sound of mobile, erase everything and secure mobile.
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