Top 2 cricket players in Pakistan
Cricket is a game in which two players played with one another. The first player throw the ball to the side of the batsman and the batsman hits the ball with his full pressure to throw the ball very far away.The history of cricket is very old. The cricket was played first time as leading sport in London and South Eastern countries of England between 1726 - 1771.
The cricket game is most famous game as the games was not famous till the beginning of 19th century but in the middle of 19th century it get fame and many people around the world choose cricket to start their carrier.The cricket is most loved by people all around the world.Now every 5 years a world cup is held for cricket.Still the big countries like China, America etc does not participate in cricket.But Pakistan is taking a best place in cricket. Today i will show you Pakistani 2 best cricket mans.Imran khan
Imran Khan is a best cricket player of Pakistan.He is known as the king of cricket in history of Pakistan.He belongs to a pashtoon family.He played cricket till ending of 19th century but later he started hard work for politics But in his cricket period he was a good cricketer and Pakistan won the world cup by his efforts.
Shahid afridi
Shahid afidi is another greatest cricket player of Pakistan.He won many watch against india or any other cricket teams by his efforts.He is also known with the name of boom boom.He is going to be old man but still he plays cricket because the cricket is in his blood and he can't leave cricket in any condition.
He also play PSL(Pakistan Super League).In 2020 he was played PSL through Multan sultana's team and they won the final match by defeating 4_5 teams.He has no sons but he has daughter like his sons.He is a cricketer and also a noble example for pakistani people who want to start their carrier in cricket.
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